​​Need help? Call Us: (805) 505-7375                  Check Novesh's Event Calendar for our Exciting Cybersecurity Workshops at Thousand Oaks City Hall.         

Energy & Utilities Cybersecurity

Energy & Utilities Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity in the energy and utilities industry is not just about protecting information technology assets but also about ensuring the physical security and reliability of the services that are essential for societal and economic well-being. The focus on cybersecurity is therefore a comprehensive effort involving technology, processes, and people to safeguard against evolving cyber threats.

Energy & Utilities Cybersecurity Services

Cybersecurity Assessments



 We measure the maturity, resiliency, and strength of your organization’s cybersecurity efforts to build your cybersecurity defense.

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Individual standing behind list of compliance categories displayed in the foreground

Maintain Ongoing Regulatory Compliance

As new regulatory challenges evolve, Novesh addresses key best practices called out in standards frameworks like ISO, IEC, NIST and others.

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Indvidual looking at results of Vulnerability Scan and Pen Testing

Vulnerability Scanning & Pen Testing

Deploy end-to-end security vulnerability scanning to close cyber security gaps in your network, hosting and applications.

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Array of server racks with individuals seated at desktop computers in front of them

Backup & Disaster Recovery

With our backup solutions and disaster recovery plan, your IT infrastructure is safeguarded from any unwanted guests, eliminating threats and managing vulnerability scans.

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You can't protect what you can't see!

Prioritize your efforts to protect the most vulnerable areas. Novesh can provide you a cybersecurity platform that not only identifies all connected devices on your network and in your airspace but also can tell whether any device has vulnerabilities that you should know about. Using this platform, you will have:  

  • A real-time inventory of all devices 
  • Risk Assessments across  twelve different attributes 
  • A view of unauthorized network connections (policy violations) 
  • Visibility into both critical and non-critical cyber assets including BES Cyber Assets, Electronic Access Control or Monitoring Systems (EACMS) and Physical Access Control Systems (PACS).

Learn More

Do you have enough visibility to attacks coming from your supply chain and other third-party sources? What is your level of cybersecurity maturity as measured by the NERC-CSF framework?

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