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Oil & Gas

The recent cyber-attack on the US major oil and gas pipeline could become one of the most expensive attacks to an economy. We strive to support our customers' efforts to secure energy operations, and we embrace Oil & Gas industry efforts toward achieving cyber security excellence.

Oil & Gas Cybersecurity Services



 We measure the maturity, resiliency, and strength of your organization’s cybersecurity efforts to build your cybersecurity defense.

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Individual standing behind list of compliance categories displayed in the foreground

Maintain Ongoing Regulatory Compliance

As new regulatory challenges evolve, Novesh addresses key best practices called out in standards frameworks like ISO, IEC, NIST and others.

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Professional individual standing in front of a system security digital display

Vulnerability Scanning

& Penetration Testing

Deploy end-to-end security vulnerability scanning to close cyber security gaps in your network, hosting and applications.

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Professional individual holding digital tablet and performing work on network server system

Monitoring OT/IT Networks

In the oil and gas industry, minor changes or networking issues can have significant impacts on operational efficiency, safety, and asset reliability, underscoring the critical need for timely monitoring and response in the industrial control network. Real-time visibility into assets, connections, and protocols is essential for identifying and addressing reliability threats swiftly and effectively.

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Group of padlock icons displayed over tiled surface

Proactive Cyber Risk Detection & Incident Reponse

Operational risk, including cyber incidents from employees or suppliers, prompts OT leaders to adopt cybersecurity best practices, yet implementing a robust framework and enhancing cyber resilience remain key challenges.

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Array of server racks with individuals seated at desktop computers in front of them

Backup & Disaster Recovery

With our backup solutions and disaster recovery plan, your IT infrastructure is safeguarded from any unwanted guests, eliminating threats and managing vulnerability scans.

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ICS Cyberattack Highlight

Cyber attack icon

Small Business Trends estimates that only 1 in 4 small businesses are prepared to handle a cyberattack.

Magnifying glass icon

According to a Symantec report, 50% of cyber-attacks target businesses with fewer than 2500 employees.

Skull icon displayed over red background

Nearly 60% of companies go out of business within six months of a cyberattack.

Icon showing individual with malicious intent interacting with computer

$6 trillion dollars is the estimated global impact of cybercrime in 2021.